About GCTV
Welcome to Garden Center TV!
Garden Center TV is where you will discover previews and reviews of the latest plants and products for your garden.
I’m Shirley Bovshow and I travel all over the globe to consumer and “trade-only” garden shows to tape videos of new plants and products that catch my eye.
I’ve invited a posse of knowledgeable garden experts and trend spotters to join me in presenting to you an insider’s view of what’s in store for your garden!
Chances are, you’ve read our gardening books and magazine articles, watched us on TV, interacted with us online, or listened to us on the radio!
By the way, this group isn’t easily impressed with every new garden product, so you can expect strong opinions; we don’t always agree.
On Garden Center TV, we discuss gardening trends, new plant introductions, favorite garden products and share “how-to-garden” information with you.
From Chicago to San Francisco, to across the Atlantic ocean to Germany, we travel to the most important garden shows, so you don’t have to.
Let’s have some fun in the garden! Share your opinions, comments, and questions with us.
Shirley Bovshow
Creator/Host Garden Center TV