Guide to Eliminating Yellow or Bare Spots on Lawn

by / 1 Comment / 149 View / August 24, 2011


Guest blog post by NatraTurf (Courtney Tompkins).

Most bare and yellow spots on lawns, or spots that aren’t flourishing, are caused by compaction and crusting within the top few inches of the soil.

Water and oxygen are not able to pass through the hardened soil and get to the grass roots, so the lawn suffers.

The best prevention for bare or brown areas is to create an environment for the roots to grow.


Tips For Improving Lawn Health

  • Create a favorable soil structure by using a soil amendment such as gypsum that will reduce crusting and break up the compacted soil layers over time.
  • Aerate the brown and bare areas by poking holes into your lawn with special aeration shoes and apply a high quality gypsum (I recommend NatraTurf’s HydroSave) and, or add humate material (such as NatraTurf’s Enrich, which will be available spring 2012) along with organic compost as  a top dressing.
  • Reseed the lawn to match the rest of your yard.
  • Make sure you water the affected areas with long deep watering cycles. Within a few weeks you should have beautiful green grass.
  • If you suspect the yellow spots could be from dog urine or de-icer, sprinkle  some NatraTurf SpotGone! to bind the salt out of the soil before reseeding.
  • If the patches are caused by grubs (dig down a bit to check), you might want to consider adding beneficial nematodes.


Here’s some more info for dealing with grubs.


NatraTurf offers the same soil science mastered in the agriculture world to families who want chemical-free lawns and gardens.

Our products are manufactured at employee-owned plants in the midwest. We make products easy-to-use and simple to understand.

And, at NatraTurf, you can be sure, it’s natural and organic or we don’t make it.

I’m Courtney Tompkins and I work at Natra Turf, I’m available to answer any questions you have about our products!

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