
Recycled Plastic For Your Garden

by / 1 Comment / 666 View / October 21, 2013


Guest blog post by Backyard Getaway (Lisa Burns) 


Everywhere you turn, you hear people discussing the virtues of recycling.

Personally, I am a huge fan of the “three R’s”; recycle, reduce & reuse.

Actually, I  should  say “four R’s,”  when I add “re-purpose.”


The environmentally conscious tell us we should avoid purchasing items made with plastic, including plastic water bottles, or even the plastic bags at the grocery store.

Cutting out water bottles and  plastic grocery bags is easy, but plastic is all around us!

This got me thinking.

What happens to all those plastic water bottles and milk jugs we put in the recycling bin?

I  searched online for  answers.

What I found was amazing!




There are thousands of products made from recycled plastics.

Gloves, clothing,  dish ware, furniture, playground equipment and snowboards  are just a few items made from recycled plastics.

A consumer guide lists manufacturers and distributors for more than 5,000 recycled products*.

Because gardening is my favorite pastime, I focused my search on items for my garden and landscape.


Some Recycled Items  Currently Used in Our Garden and Outdoor Living Business:



Trex Decking  is made from reclaimed plastic and wood – materials that would otherwise sit unused in landfills.

Trex keeps approximately 400 million pounds of plastic and wood scraps out of landfills every year.





Root Pouch offers a range of sustainable gardening products made from a mix of recycled water bottles and other natural recycled materials.
Not one drop of new oil, petroleum, or fossil fuel is used in their products, which include plant pots, vertical garden pouches, and erosion and sand bags.



Rainforest Ecological Sprinkler is the world’s first, 100% recycled lawn & garden sprinkler.

It helps save water and is made from 100% recycled plastic.
We use recycled rubber mulch.

Although  it’s not made from plastic, it’s still a cool recycled product for the garden.


Others products that I’ve just become aware of include:

Green Gear for the Garden.

Looking for gardening gear made from recycled plastics?

Companies today are producing gardening gloves made with water-resistant plastic fibers from recycled plastic bottles.

Each glove diverts one water bottle from the waste stream.


Add Plants:

One of the latest trends in garden design is vertical gardens.

Innovative plastic containers, such as Woolly Pockets, help consumers beautify their backyards and outdoor walls with plants.

Made from 100% recycled plastics, the pockets can be hung from any vertical surface as a container garden.


Urban Bee Keeping

With American bee population drastically on the decline, urban bee keeping is a growing hobby among gardening enthusiasts.

The plastic Beehaus is designed to make keeping bees easier in smaller gardens and rooftops.

The plastic layers used to construct the Beehaus, ( an actual bee house),  creates air pockets so bees can maintain a 95 degree environment which they need to live, work, and grow.


By the Yard offers beautiful maintenance free, outdoor furniture made from recycled plastic milk jugs!


MasterMark  makes decks, lattice, edging, and landscape and garden supplies with recycled materials.

They recycle over 1 billion plastic containers a year and have been doing it since 1966!


Read more about recycled materials for your garden at Plastic Makes it Possible, a campaign dedicated to helping educate consumers about how plastics can be reused and recycled.

*Recycling Data Management Corp., P.O. Box 577, Ogdensburg, NY 13669.

Phone: (800) 267-0707 to order the Official Recycled Products Guide

One Comment

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