Category : Watering


Dramm Colorful Watering Tools: Wands and Hoses

    One of the most colorful lines of watering tools for the garden is by Dramm. Their watering tools come in six jewel tone colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and hot pink.   I own two Sunrise rain…

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The” UCAN:” Water, Fertilize and Organize Your Garden Tools!

Shirley Bovshow, host of Garden Center TV, interviews Jim Ugone, inventor of the U-Can. The U-Can is a revolutionary plant watering system that has built in features to organize and store your fertilizer, gloves, and watering rose.

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Love the design and organizing capabilities of the UCAN watering system. Keep your fertilizer, gloves and watering rose all in one place so you don’t lose them. I have the UCAN watering can and use it in my  Foodie Garden…

Comments Off on UCAN WATERING CAN: CLEVER WATERING SYSTEM / 841 View / December 29, 2015